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Basic information

LE SYNDICAT DES COPROPRIÉTAIRES DES 871-875, DOLLARD, OUTREMONT (1140228058) is a company from Quebec. Our system shows that this company is In Business. Company address: 871 av. Dollard Montréal (Québec) H2V3G8 Canada. Company type is Syndicat de copropriété. More precise status of LE SYNDICAT DES COPROPRIÉTAIRES DES 871-875, DOLLARD, OUTREMONT is Immatriculée. The date of incorporation is 1994-03-30, so the age of this business is around 30.29 years. Officer(s): GAUDREAULT, ANDRÉ; MONTOUR, NORMAND. Click here for more info...
Information in this page are provided as a guideline and have been shown for information purposes only. It is not designed to be or it do constitute the legal advice. Also, be aware that actual data could have changed since the last check!

Company information

Country or State:


Name of the business:

Le Syndicat Des Copropriétaires Des 871-875, Dollard, Outremont

Company status:

In Business

Code of the business:


Other names of this business:

  1. Le syndicat des coproprietaires des


871 Av. Dollard Montréal (Québec) H2V3G8 Canada

Detailed company status:


Value Added Tax number:

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